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We continue to introduce the participants of The Open League incentive program and their mini-apps. TonUP is one of the leading TON launch platforms, aimed at discovering and developing innovative crypto projects. With the support of renowned partners such as TON Foundation and TONcoin.Fund, the platform ensures reliable backing for projects, which undergo a rigorous selection process based on several important criteria. TonUP Launchpad has its own utility-token , and it’s precisely with it you can earn quite well within The Open League. In the UP/TON liquidity pool on DeDust.io exchange , 50,000 and 264,627 are distributed among the liquidity providers until the end of the month — that's $15,000 every day. To participate in the campaign, you need just two tokens: and . How to acquire them and how to use the exchange and its boosts can be learned from our guide in the post about DeDust.io . Take advantage of the attractive opportunities The Open League offers and get to know its other participants on our Telegram channel.